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About Us

My Story

I’ve worked in high stress environments most of my adult life.  While I enjoy the daily grind, I’ve always dreamed of doing something I love.  In case you’re wondering, I absolutely love to shop!!  It doesn’t matter for whom or what I’m shopping, I find it quite therapeutic after a long day or week at work.  However, I must point out, buying clothes and shoes holds a special place in my heart.

In March of 2016, I was unexpectedly laid off my job.  I was at a loss for a couple of weeks and then I remembered my dream.  Unfortunately, due to an unjustified fear of failure, I did not pursue it.  I was only out of work for two months before I took the safe route and accepted another high stress job. 

Fast forward to August 2018:  God once again reminded me of my dream or some may say my purpose (one of many).  I decided it was time to step out on faith and trust Him!

When deciding on a name for my business, I chose to combine the nicknames of my two precious daughters (Ne-ne and Ya-ya) and adopt the same pronunciation as my first name, Naiah (pronounced Nay – yah).  And just like that, NéYa’s Boutique was born!

My goal is to share my love by purchasing fashionable items to offer the rest of the world at a reasonable price.  This has been a very exciting journey and I truly appreciate each of you for helping my dream come true!

Happy shopping!

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